I have started services with Dr. Leach. He is wonderful! The staff is wonderful! And I know he is helping my body get back to where it can heal itself! Tomorrow I am going to a class of sorts, taught by Dr. Leach, about how to lose weight by learning when to eat. I will definitely let you know what I learn there! I also need to remember to ask him about that workout routine he mentioned before that only takes a few minutes of intensive work.
As I am feeling better, this has inspired me. I have started walking 3 times a day during the week. We have a great walking path that starts right here where I work and goes on & on! I have no idea how long it is and until today, I didn't even realize it went past the next street over. I have been basically walking around my building in the morning, during lunch & then again mid-afternoon. It's given me a great sense of accomplishment and more engery! Today I decided to be brave ( I don't work in the most upstanding area of town, and about a block from what used to be known as the absolute worst area ) and I followed the path several blocks over. I have no idea just how far I walked, but I am estimating about a mile round trip.
It's a very beautiful path that follows a water way filled with jumping fish, turtles, fishing birds and just a great scenery. I feel blessed to have such a great way to exercise! It was a little scary, the further away from work, but then again, I felt at peace. I will have to do that at least a few times every week!
I am still working on the eating habits, though they have gotten MUCH better. I still eat my yogurt mix for breakfast ( vanilla bean Greek yogurt, blueberries, a banana, granola with bits of dried fruit & raisens, ground flax seed & wheat germ ). For lunch I am trying to eat healthy foods. It's so hard when my co-worker wants to go out to lunch. I am great at making wise choices on my own, but when out with friends, the temptation is just too great! Dinner has been consisting of some meat on the grill ( grilling helps cut down electric usage too! ), fresh steamed veggies & some sort of healthier grain, like quinoa. For snacks, I keep nuts around and corn tortillas with salsa - Oh and Skinny Cow ice cream sandwiches!
Anyhow, that's the update on me. Check back in the next few days to learn about the diet. Be blessed!
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Posted by April 0 comments
Friday, April 13, 2012
- "Find a penny, pick it up. And all day long you'll have good luck." I must admit, that on the occasion I pick a penny off the ground, I generally recite this. Not because I believe it, but because it's such an old little ditty that I've heard since childhood. I have read that this may have come from another rhyme " See a pin, pick it up. And all day long you'll have good luck. See a pin, let it lay, and your luck will pass on by."
- Don't walk under a ladder! There are 3 thoughts, that I have found, as to why this became popular. 1. Just the logic of it- Who wants to knock someone off a ladder? 2. From a Christian perspective - A ladder leaned against a wall forms a triangle which is representative of the Trinity and one would not want to break the triangle. 3. The ladder resembles medieval gallows.
- Black cats crossing your path. This is most probably a result of the lore of witches and their familiars which is said to be black cats. I would most certainly be in trouble if this superstition were true as I have 2 all black cats in my home.
- Watch out for that mirror! According to folklore, breaking a mirror is a surefire way to doom yourself to seven years of bad luck. The superstition seems to arise from the belief that mirrors don't just reflect your image; they hold bits of your soul. That belief led people in the old days of the American South to cover mirrors in a house when someone died, lest their soul be trapped inside. Like the number three, the number seven is often associated with luck. Seven years is a long time to be unlucky, which may be why people have come up with counter-measures to free themselves after breaking a mirror. These include touching a piece of the broken mirror to a tombstone or grinding the mirror shards into powder.
- No umbrellas indoors...And not just because you'll poke someones eye out. Opening an umbrella indoors is supposed to bring bad luck, though the origins of this belief are murky. Legends abound, from a story of an ancient Roman woman who happened to have opened her umbrella moments before her house collapsed, to the tale of a British prince who accepted two umbrellas from a visiting king and died within months. Like the "don't walk under a ladder" superstition, this seems to be a case of a myth arising to keep people from doing something that is slightly dangerous in the first place.
- In Poland, they believe it is bad luck to place a handbag ( purse ) on the floor as this will keep you broke.
- In Indonesia, it is believed that if you are pregnant and mock someone with a handicap, your child will be born disabled.
- In Mexico it is believed that wearing pearls on your wedding way will bring bad luck and tears throughout your marriage.
- Fishermen have many superstitions. It is good luck to put a coin on a float and throwing back the first fish of the catch. It is unlucky to: Changing rods during fishing, have a female stepping over your fishing rod, Baiting a hook using your left hand, Sitting on an upturned bucket, Casting without spitting on the bait.
- When it comes to brooms there are several superstitions too. It's lucky to bring a new broom into a new house when you move. It is, however, unlucky to lend a broom, borrow a broom, have a broom fall over near you or stand a broom on it's bristles.
- More on black cats! It's considered lucky to: own a black cat, touch a black cat, have a black cat enter your home or greet you at someone else's door and seeing three black cats in succession.
There are soooo many superstitions! Just do a search for "Superstitions around the world", and you'll be amazed at what all you find!
Posted by April 0 comments
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
The things animals would say....

Posted by April 0 comments
Better Health
Stress is the number one killer in America. Stress is the number one reason for just about every health care concern. And being sick is, in itself, stressful. So how do we achieve optimal health? Let me share.
- The Nervous System. We need to take steps to making sure our nervous system is working at 100%. Nerves come out between the bones along our spine and each one is responsible for different areas of the body, including organs. If our spine does not have the proper spacing, pressure is applied to these nerves and not only may we feel it through pain, but parts of our body may suffer in other ways too. I am still learning about this, so I will not try to teach you. Below you will find a picture to better help understanding.
- Nutrition & Detoxification of the body. Our bodies were made to use food for energy & to use what God placed on this earth for us to eat. The modern-day food industry now processes so much, most of the food isn't anywhere near what our bodies are intended to use! Even fresh fruits & veggies are loaded with pesticides and contaminates. Organic doesn't even have the same impact that it should because of how companies can get around loop holes in the regulations. Not only should we eat the very best we can, but we also need to give our bodies time to detox from all the polutants all around us. This can be a simple water fast done once a week.
- Exercise Daily. This point is again emphasized. Even a few minutes a few times a day can help. And I will be learning about a routine that only has about 4 minutes of very vigorous exercise a few days a week. I will let you know more as I learn.
- Reduce Stress. There are 3 stresses: Chemical ( smoking, drinking, food we eat, enviromental polutants ) , Mental/Emotional and Physical stress. Our bodies are design perfectly, and stress is actually meant to help us. When stressed, our bodies produce the "fight or flight" hormone. However, when continuously stressed, the hormone continues to be released and it begins to destroy the body. Then, when we are actually in a situation where we need the "fight or flight" response, it will not work as well. Some ways to manage stress include: laughing, exercise, positive attitude, a little "me" time, having a good support system and removing nerve interference.
It is also important to note that there are no safe drugs!
- Tylenol ( aceteminophen) is linked to liver disease
- Advil ( Ibprophin ) is linked to kidney disease
- Aspirin causes many strokes and ulcers and kills more than 1,600 kids each year.
- Ritalin ( once popular ADHD medication ) is in the same catagory as cocain.
These are just some of the things I learned yesterday. I am very excited to go to Dr. Leach's office next week and learn more. I will definitely share as I get more info. If you'd like to learn a little more about what organic should be ( plus other stuff ) please visit: Live Beyond Organic. This is a site by Jordan Rubin, Founder & CEO of Beyond Organic. I got a copy of his book yesterday and it's awesome. His products are a little pricey, but I am considering using them part time anyhow.
Posted by April 0 comments
Tuesday, April 10, 2012
Stress Relief...
Today my job is offering a nice thing... a Stress Relief luncheon seminar. I originally signed up for it thinking it would be nice to get the free lunch ( lol ), but now I am really looking forward to it! We all have stress in our lives, it's inevitable & unavoidable, but there are things we can do to help reduce the number one killer. So, on that note, I have gathered a few ideas for you....
- Eat right & exercise
I know this is not something many of us look forward to. It seems that we hear this everywhere & for every reason. Hmm... If we hear it everywhere & for every reason, why? Could it be that it is actually good for us? Not only does eating right mean we get the nutrients we need and help to decrease our waistline, but it also helps give us the energy that we need to handle all the stresses that come our way everyday!
Exercise does the same for us. Although many times, our excuse for not exercising is that we do not have the energy, if we would just DO IT, we would find our energy increase many times over. This also will help decrease the waistline, the chance of cardiovascular disease, diabetes and so much more!
- Set realistic goals
This means not stressing ourselves out by saying we need to do more in less time than is realistic. If you need to repaint your house, don't expect to get it all done, alone, in one day! Plan, Plan, Plan!
- Handle important tasks first and eliminate unessential tasks
Is it really necessary for you to clean out the garage with it years of discarded items today? This can go right along with the above point. And if you don't absolutely have to go to the grocery store when you have 5 loads of laundry to do, then don't. Have a deadline at work and you want to dust the office? Worry about dusting after your deadline.
- Reduce the urge to be "perfect"
Oh boy do I suffer from this! One easy way to stress me out is to tell me someone is coming over when I haven't been able to sweep, mop, dust, etc... We tend to worry about what others think way too much! It's ok to not get everything right, we are humans and as such we have flaws.
- Reduce criticism of yourself and others
This goes right along with trying to be perfect. If you are constantly knocking yourself for your short-comings, then negativity is all that you will get! The same goes for your interactions with others. Look for the positive points with yourself & others. Negativity only breeds more negativity.
- Smile
Try it. The next time you are feeling stressed out, simply smile. Smile to yourself, smile to others. If you see someone else stressed or upset, smile to encourage them, and see how much better it makes you feel too!
- Have a girl's ( or guy's ) night out
Sometime's just getting out of the house with friend's can be enough to lift stress dramatically.
- Watch a comedy
Laughter really is the best medicine and if you can watch with a friend or spouse then you can reap the benefits doubly!
- Plan a romantic night with your spouse / significant other
I know for me, just a little time without the kids, without work, just with my husband does a world of good! It doesn't even have to include going out, it could be just snuggling on the couch or in the bed and watching a movie - though walks near the ocean or in the woods are my favorite!
You can find many more ideas from the resources at the bottom. The point is, stress is the number one killer and we just let him roam around, running free in our lives. It's time to capture him & lock him away for good!
Posted by April 0 comments
Auto-Correct Boo-Boo's
Yes, Yes, I know this isn't a new thing, but some of these just crack me up!! Credit given to the tagged website(s). There were others but many of them are just too crude.
Posted by April 0 comments
Did you know....
- ....On some Caribbean islands, the oysters climb trees.... I'd like to know which ones please!
- .... A blue whale's aorta (the main blood vessel) is large enough for a human to crawl through.... Jonah anyone?
- .... According to scientific studies, a rat's performance in a maze can be improved by playing music written by Mozart.... Hmm, think I need to listen to Mozart. Maybe I can make it through this maze of life easier!
- .... The lungfish can live out of water for three years in a state of suspended animation... I know some humans that live in that state all their life! Haha
- .... In 1895 Hampshire police handed out the first ever speeding ticket, fining a man for doing 6mph!... Wow! He was really bookin' it!!
Posted by April 0 comments
Monday, April 9, 2012
- Rubber bands last longer when refrigerated.
- There are more chickens in the world than people.
- Peanuts are used in making dynamite.
Random ( And useless! )Thoughts & Facts...
- Why isn't phonetic spelled the way it sounds?
- Why are they called "stands" when they are made for sitting?
- Sloths take 2 weeks to digest their food
- The first man to distill bourbon whiskey in the United States was a Baptist preacher, in 1789
- The Chinese, in olden days, used marijuana only as a remedy for dysentery
- An apple, onion, and potato all have the same taste. The differences in flavor are caused by their smell. To prove this - pinch your nose and take a bite from each. They will all taste sweet.
- A man went in to rob a bank. He demanded the clerk to give him all the money. They told him to go sit out in his car and they would bring him the bags of money. He agreed and went out to his car. In the meantime, the people in the bank called the police. When they got there the man was still sitting in his car waiting for the money and they arrested him. (Wow, Really? Maybe I should entitle this "Crimes of the less intelligent")
- A Texan convicted of robbery worked out a deal to pay $9600 in damages rather than serve a two-year prison sentence. For payment, he gave the court a forged check. He got his prison term back, plus eight more years.
- A man was arrested and charged with the robbery—of vending machines. The man posted bail, entirely in quarters.
- In Redondo Beach, Calif., a police officer arrested a driver after a short chase and charged him with drunk driving. Officer Joseph Fonteno's suspicions were aroused when he saw the white Mazda MX-7 rolling down Pacific Coast Highway with half of a traffic-light pole, including the lights, lying across its hood. The driver had hit the pole on a median strip and simply kept driving. According to Fonteno, when the driver was asked about the pole, he said, "It came with the car when I bought it." ( Nice try. )
- Organized crime is estimated to account for 10% of the United States' national income. (And they say crime doesn't pay...)
And what random blog entry would be complete without...
Strange Laws...
- Theaters in Glendale, California can show horror films only on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday
- In Saudi Arabia, a woman reportedly may divorce her husband if he does not keep her supplied with coffee.
- You can't plow a cotton field with an elephant in North Carolina
- In Riverside, California, there is an old law on the city's books which makes it illegal to kiss unless both people wipe their lips with rose water
- In Lehigh, Nebraska it's against the law to sell donut holes.
- Women were banned by royal decree from using hotel swimming pools in Jidda, Saudi Arabia, in 1979.
- Under the law of Mississippi, there’s no such thing as a female Peeping Tom
- By law, information collected in a U.S. census must remain confidential for 72 years
- Chewing gum is outlawed in Singapore because it is a means of "tainting an environment free of dirt."
- In Idaho a citizen is forbidden by law to give another citizen a box of candy that weighs more than 50 pounds
I will save the rest for another day...
Oh hey, if you live in the area, be sure to check out my new blog
"Experience Ft. Pierce through Food"
Where I put my two-cents in about the local fare, good & bad!
Posted by April 0 comments