
Friday, April 10, 2009

Passover/ Good Friday/ Easter

I am just so excited and happy! This season is a wonderful one for believers in Jesus! Last night we had a "Passover" Sedar at home. Although I am not Jewish, but Christian, I still want to observe the feasts of the Old Testament because God tells us we should and He never said we should stop. Jesus did tell us that we are not bound by tradition anymore, but even He observed the feasts. Therefore, I rewrote the traditional Jewish Haggadah for our family and made it reflect our celebration of deliverance from sin and Satan instead of the traditional celebration of remembering how God brought the Jews out of thier slavery in Egypt. It wasn't nearly as long as the original Haggadah, but I think it was quite nice and reflective of our freedom in Christ. I wanted to have some of the traditional foods as well. Luckily, my ex-husband is Jewish and he and I are still friends. I got the basic Latka ( potatoe pankcakes ) recipe from him. I made many things that I had not made before: Roasted Lamb, Latkas and Matzah Ball soup. We also had roasted asparagus, which I had only made once before. And it all came out very yummy! I am so thankful that God has given me the gift of knowing how to cook well. I'm hoping still to be able to use that gift to open my own restaruant one day!

Now today is Good Friday, the day that Jesus was crucified. We are having a very special communion tonight at church and I am very excited. It will be set up like the Last Supper, complete with period-style clothing and even "Jesus" will lead us in communion! My sister, Daphne will be there with her daughter; my daughter and my youngest son are going with me and hopefully my husband will get off work in time to join us! My mom is going to be serving and I'm sure that will be a lot of fun for her too. I hope she is very blessed!

Since I will have to take Tristian back to Orlando on Sunday and Aylanna wants to go to her dads at some point on Sunday, I am making a big dinner tomorrow ( Sat ) night instead of Sunday. It'll be really nice.

Ok, well I need to get some work done. I leave work today around noon so I can go to the grocery store and head to Orlando to pick up Tristian. YAY!!!