
Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Long time...

Well hello again all! Ok, so I'm no good at keeping a blog! I will try harder. Let's see... update....

I joined our "Biggest Loser" thing at work again. Last time I lost 8 lbs I think and then gained 25 afterwards. So far this time, I have lost 9, but gained 4 back due to non-stop gnoshing over the weekend!

This is my typical day with food and exercise.

Breakfast: Smoothie... YUMMY! .... I mix 1/2 cup Smart Choice Fat Free milk ( which tastes like maybe 2% ) with 2 scoops of Nutiva Hemp protein in berry flavor, 3 oz Acai and berry juice, 1/2 ounce liquid vitamins, 1/2 banana and a total of about 1 or 1 1/2 cups of frozen fruit ( Mango, Strawberries, Raspberries, Blueberries, Cherries, Pineapple). This provides a LOT of nutrition and fills me up quite well! ( approx 350 cals)

Morning Snack: Sometimes I am not even hungry and dont have a snack, but when I do, I make sure that it's low in calories and perferrably fresh fruit or yogurt. ( usually around 100 cals or less.)

Lunch: This may be a turkey wrap made at home with "Flatout" flat bread and lean turkey lunch meat, spicey mustard, salad greens, chick peas, black olives and tomatoes. Or maybe it's a cup of Progresso Lite Reduced Sodium soup, or maybe a salad with turkey, chick peas, black olives, tomatoes, a few croutons, etc... ( This may range from 100 cal with the soup to 300 cals)

Afternoon Snack: Again, sometimes I have one, sometimes I dont, but always low cal and healthy.

Dinner: Lots of veggies, 1/2 cup brown rice or potatoes or whole grain pasta ( some sort of 'good carb' ) and approx 4 oz of lean protein ( usually chicken or fish )

Desert: I keep "Skinny Cow" Skinny Dippers around for that sweet tooth!

I meet with a friend 3 nights a week. We go to the gym for a workout or walk the track. I also try to keep moving the other nights of the week and during the day at work. I may dance to whatever music I feel like for 30 mins or pop in a dance dvd or maybe just take the dog for a walk - whatever gets me up and moving! Some people may watch me and think I'm just a nervous person or something as much as I move, but every little bit helps!!

Now, over the past week, I have not gotten as much exercise as I was because my exercise partner has been sick and honestly, I haven't felt too great either, but I blame my not feeling great on the poor food choices I have made over the last week too! They say that you should have a day where you eat more calories than usual to help your metabolism keep rev'd and to keep it from getting used to a decline in calories, but one should still stay in control! I normally eat about 1500 cals per day ( or at least this is my goal!! ) and so on the weekends, I pick one day to eat a little extra. On that day, I eat sensibly and low cal all day and then we'll pick a place to go to dinner and I'll get a small , sensible steak and choose veggies for my sides. So I'm still eating sensible but can also have a drink or two and not be too far over the edge. This plan was working great until this weekend when I had to make two trips to Orlando ( one to pick my son up and one to drop him off ). Those weekends are a challenge because there's always fast food, and sometimes afterwards I feel horrible and figure I might as well go ahead and eat whatever I want. I'm really trying to change this train of thought!

I have also began using a few different products from that are worth mentioning, especially if you are seeking to lose weight and/or get healthier.

1. NSI's Glucomannan - this is an insoluable fiber that bulks up in your stomach so that you feel fuller quicker and longer. Obviously because it is fiber, it also helps in waste elimination.

2. Nature's Secret Ultimate Cleanse Kit - This comes with two bottles. One is cleansing with herbs and one is cleansing with fibers. It's very gentle, but very effective! My stomache has actually not been so bloated and I feel SO much better! Check out for more info.

3. Nutiva's Hemp Protein + Fiber - This is a protein powder made from Hemp which is a great protein! It's very easily digested and a great addition to smoothies and such.

4. Nutiva's Hemp Protein in Berry Pomegranit Flavor - The same as above but not such a strong smell or flavor, it mixes even better with smoothies or even just with some milk before a workout.

5. Dynamic Health Organic Certified Acai juice Blend - This is a delicious juice made from Acai berries, Goji, Pomegranite, Blueberries and Mangosteen ( Superfruits!!) If you don't already know all the health benefits to these fruits, please google them!

6. Peter Gillham's Natural Vitality Liquid Vitamins - This has a very pleasant citrus-like flavor and being liquid is easily absorbed by the body. I used to purchase this from my chiropractors office a few years ago and wow! What a difference it made! I'm using about 1/3 of the recommended amount since I also use the other stuff and eat pretty healthy, but I know it works!!

7. Green Tea capsules - some say this helps with the metabolism and helps to burn fat. I don't know if it does or not, but it does give me a little more energy so I take two of these in the morning with my smoothie.

When I follow this way of life ( it is NOT a diet! ), I feel amazing! I have more energy than when I was in my early 20's ( and I'm now quickly approaching my mid 30's! ), my mind is clear, my thoughts can be easily organized and it seems that even my will power has gotten stronger!

One important thing I have learned is to not cheat. No, I dont mean that I dont ever have a piece of chocolate ( for I would DIE without chocolate! ), or that I don't eat stuff that may not be healthy. What I mean is this. Cheating has a negative connotation. To cheat is to sin. When one cheats, they almost always berate themselves and feel like a failure. I allow myself to have something if I really want it. Nothing is "off-limits". BUT I make sure that I know if I choose to have that piece of chocolate cake, then that's X amount of calories and I adjust the rest of my food or maybe exercise a little longer and/or harder. It's a choice. This way I never feel like I've done something wrong and I also never feel deprived like so many do when they "diet". It's this deprivation that leads to so many "diet" failures.

Wow. I think I have done so much learning and research on this matter, I could probably write my own book! Maybe that's just what I should do here - write about the things I learn pertaining to diet, exercise and health. Please let me know if you have a question or comment. I'd love to hear from you!